Saturday, June 16, 2012

School Ball Time Again

Miss 16 is again at a School Ball.  This year she has changed schools, however a friend said last year he would take her so she could still go.  At her current school she does not get to go this year.  So today I have spent over half a day running around doing last minute things (like a new bra) and having hair and make up done.  Pretty tiring especially if you don't live in town and have a couple of hours between appointments and meeting up with people.  But we got there finally, and now am to tired to go to a fellow nurse and friends farewell tonight...sorry Cookie!!!

Anyway the weather here in Gisborne is atrocious today.  Wet, windy and very cold!  Miss 16 got herself a short dress and complained about cold legs the minute she walked

Kristen and Cathy

Getting goofy photos of Miss 16 is much easier than getting her to pose.....what a nightmare it was.


  1. Hope she has a lovely time.!!

  2. I am sure that t was well worth all your efforts to see her looking this fantastic, no?


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